Laser surgery to correct nearsightedness is the latest high tech eye surgery. It has evolved into Lasik, an incisional surgery in the cornea done by a micro-keratone cutter that lifts up an ultra-thin flap of cornea. The laser is then applied to the intact eye beneath the lifted corneal flap. Nearsighted people are treated with Lasik as an office procedure that takes about 10 minutes. Recovery of vision is instantaneous. Possible side effects: two out of a hundred patients may develop minor complications such as inflammation or infection. This procedure replaces the old laser treatment applied to the front surface of the cornea, a sometimes-painful procedure requiring more time to recuperate. The cost for Lasik, the most advanced surgery to correct distance vision, ranges from $1,500 to $4,000. Insurance does not cover it. Due to hormonal changes lasik is not recommended for pregnant women or women who are planning to get pregnant.